BTQ....- Basic Themes of AlQuran. This is one of my subject for this sem.I really love this class.....why???? first,because of the teacher,ustazah salmiah..she is the best and energetic lecturer... i am so happy to sit in this class since there are only 10-15 students in the class... i really enjoy in this class...compared to my another 2 classes-maths 3 and physics 2... and the most important thing,i can memorize or 'iadah' my alQuran because we learn something and will refer to God's words as a proof for that. i have to bring my beloved 'quran terjemahan' since sometimes i forgot the verse and ustazah always ask me to guess the verse..that was really bad because i can't remember the verse.. ya Allah...where is my alQuran that i have memorized before???? i admit here in CFS...sometimes,i can't even recite alQuran but i must find the time to do so or i will be punished by God 'there'....... to all my friends,huffazulQuran wa hamalatul Quran... remem...